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All dives are private and by appointement only.
Prices in Euro are per person and are to be payed in advance please. Prices include VAT and

private dive with max two participants if they are booking together

one hour of theory and briefing

50-65 min under water (considerably longer than the usual)

min half hour of detailed debriefing

full equipment rental (with own equipment except tank and weights 10 euro reduction),

drinks and snacks. 

I speak english, greek, german, swiss-german, french and the basics in italian.

Discover Scuba Diving: 150 Euros (min age 10yrs) 4 hrs

Shore dive for certified divers: 150 Euros  4 hrs

Night Dive:  170
 Euro 5 hrs

Boot Camp
for advanced divers: 200 Euro 6 hrs
In a safe enviroment train your emergency coping skills in a realistic scenario. Two dives on different days recommended.

Open Water Diver Course (min age 15yrs) Junior (min age 12yrs with me):   900 Euro
I offer an extra dive in this course to teach buoyancy and frog kick (including introduction to 'reverse' and 'helicopter'). I see you as a potential technical diver, so you know all the good habits from the very beginning.

Hotel Pick-up:  20-40 Euro fixed (max 3 persons)

No equipment rental without dive booking, sorry.

Contact us

Kalamata Dive

+30 6972 057 037 

Call us on Whatsapp, Viber, Messenger or hang up and let us call you back.


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